Website info

E-Commerce Website Essentials

E-Commerce Website Essentials

E-commerce is an indispensable element for those business looking to sell products and services online. It can also be a great way for charities and businesses fundraising to conveniently gather funds. An e-commerce platform astronomically increases the potential...

Five things you should always do with your new website

Five things you should always do with your new website

So you've got your brand new website. It's easy to think that's the end of things for now, people often overlook a number of things once their website goes live, so here's a handy list of things to make sure you don't forget anything!1) Set yourself up with Google's...

Why to use an SSL certificate

SSL certificates - something my site doesn't need, right?SSL certificates play an important role on a website for a number of reasons. SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer, and if you have a certificate active on your site it will display HTTPS in the URL bar indicating...

3 Ways to maximise having a website

Having a website is an easy way to raise awareness of your products and services. Here are some tips to help maximise the potential of having a website.Capture your visitors details, give them a reason to visit again!It's the same principle as a loyalty card, gather...

Five reasons having a website will help your business

Who has a shop and doesn't put all their range of goods on display? The chances are your existing and new prospective customers don't know all your products and services. Having a website is a bit like posting a booklet through someone's letter box, but there's a big...